Angel on Speed Dial: How Do I Find a New Love Interest?
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YOU ASKED: How should I find a new love interest? I am a Cancer sun, Leo Moon, Leo Venus and Scorpio Rising
Hey Love!
Finding a love interest is such a fun task and is best done with curiosity and openness, always!
When I am looking for how people become attracted, and attract others, I look at where planet Venus is in their chart, primarily. Planet Venus rules the attraction and romance phase of relationships, as well as beauty and sensuality.
Wherever Venus is in your chart tells you about what kind of energy you’re attracted to.
With your Venus in Leo, your attraction is often sparked by people’s radiance- when you have seen them shining in some way. Leo is ruled by the Sun and wants to be admired and seen in love as much as it wants to offer that energy to others. Their love is big, loyal, fun and passionate. The best place for you to find new sparks for romance, is where you can be a part of creative and fun activities you love, and see people doing what they do in their element/engaging with what they love. ___STEADY_PAYWALL___
For example- if you love seeing people radiate through physical activity and vigor, maybe start going to live sports games in your area and making friends with the people at the games, with the players, and see how it goes.
Go to see live music or dancing (pandmeic permitting) to witness people and how their energy moves when they’re in their full embodiment and fire. Join a zoom book club or philosophy group if you love someone with brains, etc.
The goal with a Leo Venus is to get yourself in your prime vibration of creativity and passion around people you’re interested in, and see them in their element in this way, as well, as much as possible.
Once you start to gain interest in someone, invite them to your dinner parties and your art shows, or whatever it is you do that lights you up. See how it feels to have them witness you and how they support you in this space. It will tell you a lot about how sustainable that connection will be.
Do some soul-searching to see where your passion lies and what kind of things you would love your partner to love. Put yourself in the room where people are committing creatively , as well as prioritizing getting yourself into activities that!
You Asked: How can an Aries Mercury and a Libra Mercury have better communication?
Great question! Love your investment in solid communication.
So, Aries and Libra are “opposing” signs, in Astrology, meaning they sit on opposite sides of the zodiacal wheel from one another.
Opposing signs do things very differently from each other, and seem to be opposites, but all signs have some common ground to find and stand on.
Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect and understanding. To have one person’s Mercury in fiery, cardinal Aries, and the other in airy, cardinal Libra- there may be a butting of heads when it comes to understanding not just the words one another uses, but the way they use them and their intent.
An Aries Mercury wants to make sure their point with no extra fluff. Their intent is to initiate the assertion of their point with honesty and authority.
A Libra Mercury is more prone to feeling unheard or run-over in their interactions, because their intent is to connect, as well as make everyone else feel comfortable and understood- and, they often leave themselves and their desires out of the equation.
An Aries Mercury’s directness can feel like an attack to a Libra Mercury, and Libra’s balanced and amicable nature may be a frustrating approach to an Aries.
The commonality between Libra and Aries as signs is that they are both cardinal- which means their desire is around initiation- to feel like their form of leadership in a dynamic is seen.
To find common ground between a Libra Mercury and an Aries Mercury, it will serve you to have a conversation about how you both prefer to be heard and listened to. In order for someone to initiate something and feel successful, it has to feel like that initiation is received/is unchallenged.
Have a chat about how you both feel most received and understood (is it the other person looking you in the eye? Or some nodding or other form of acknowledgement of what was said before moving on? Or, maybe just not being interrupted? etc). Make sure to also acknowledge what you like about the way the other person shows up to relationship and communication during the exchange. Vow to make an effort, at least on your end, to uphold this kind of relating and witnessing one another so that you can give and receive enthusiastically! (Pro Tip: be extra aware and on-top-of the way the other person likes to be received when you’re in conflict! It can be easiest to let everything go out the window when we’re activated, but this is the most important moment to feel seen and see others in the way they can accept!)
Words: Jaliessa Sipress