Dream Body is Using the Grotesque to Celebrate Ourselves

Make it stand out

It’s never fails to blow my mind how weird it is that we have learnt to be disgusted, freaked out and disturbed by bodies and body parts. Whether it’s too much of a body, too little of a body, and everything in between.

Our bodies are the one constant in our lives that we physically have to live with day in and day out, so why don't we enjoy them and celebrate them more. My work centers itself around the idea of holding up a mirror to our own dehumanising obsession with appearances. Through this image series I have combined the food and the body and we have collaborated with a variety of independent designers whose garments emphasis and amplify the body, celebrating individual body parts. 

Red playsuit - Matilda Aberg @matildaaberg / Earrings - Dominique Renee @dominiquerenee / Jewellery - Models own

Photography and concept : Jasmine De Silva @jasmine_desilva | Stylist : Sian O'Donnell @sian_odonnell_stylist | Hair Styling: Judit Florenciano @juditflorenciano | Makeup Artist: Natasha Lawes @natashalawes | Manicurist: LaShaun Graham: @lashnailslondon | Model: Velveteen @queen.velveteen @crumbagency


Frasier Truth Now - An Exclusive Short Story from Eliza Clark


In Conversation with Stylist, Model and Creative Director Monèt Maxwell