Lost & Found

Jenny and Yana are two animators and directors that came together to make “Lost and Found” over their shared love for fashion, and surreal film. There is this trope of mirrors and reflections in surrealism, and we have spent a lot of time thinking about the self and how we see ourselves in the world and how this relationship is often mediated by these reflective surfaces, but what do they really tell us about ourselves?

What if a mirror was a door? What if it was a window that could teleport you somewhere new? What if a mirror was more than a reflection? What if when we looked in the mirror instead of seeing how we are different from others we saw our shared humanity? What if it was an exercise of unity? When you hold a mirror to the world does it reflect you back to it? Do you see a reflection of yourself in the world? or do you see yourself reflected in the world? 


We feel that oftentimes what we see is not a reflection of how we feel, but what if a mirror could reflect you into the world, teleport you, transport you. These are also things we think about when making garments and accessories, how can the things we make be a reflection of ourselves and our values? 

In our spare time we create “slow-fashion” art objects through our micro brands Secret Sister (Jenny) and Berries for two (Yana) ,we make homemade clothing and accessories focusing on design, affordability, and sustainability, both through up-cycling and hand making. Jenny hand prints everything on found garments in her art studio and makes original garments out of recycled materials like vintage linens while Yana designs and beads her bags at home sometimes mixing found objects into her designs.

Conceptualised and directed by animators Jenny Nirgends & Yana Pan for their brands Secret Sister and Berries for Two.




Start The Year Off Right With A Live Session From UR BOYFRIEND