Quickie with an Artist: Maisie Cousins
Make it stand out
Maisie Cousins is a photographer of grotesque beauty. Her images are slimy, juicy and utterly satisfying, making you want to push your fingers into the image and onto the skin of her subjects. She had no hesitation in shooting Bjork and Anna Calvi with intense detail, every hair on their faces visible. Her work has been exhibited across London, Los Angeles and Milan where the sheer evocative, indulgent nature of her work forces you to take notice. She’s one of a kind. We got her to answer some pressing questions:
When was the last time you cried?
My Instagram algorithm keeps showing me posts of terminally ill children. I’m sure since my phones known I've had a child it shows me really sad things.
What keeps you unable to sleep at night?
My previously mentioned child who loves to have loud parties with her animals in her bed.
What is the best part of the body?
Obviously the clit, so small but so many nerves.
Who would be your dream muse?
A hoarder or a collector of heaps of stuff who would let me rummage through their things and come and take pictures of them. Like a free junk shop.
Who, or what, broke your heart?
Always a fucking aries.
If you weren’t an artist, what job would you do?
I’d deffo just be a waitress forever. Which is fine!
What is the best bit of gossip you have at the moment?
I recently moved to a quiet street but turns out all the neighbours have big beef with each other, putting dog shit in each others garden and tacs in tires sort of thing. Apparently one would project images of people into the other persons car so they thought there were people in there. I really don't know but its entertaining.
What do you hate that everyone else seems to love?
I don’t know where to start with this one, I’m such a hater.
What person from history would you go on a date with?
I’ve been on enough dates i don’t need anymore. I’d go back in time and just sit on a mountain for some peace.
Describe what it is like to be an artist in three words?
Quite fun sometimes.
Quickie with an Artist is a art column by Sophia Sheppard.