This Editorial Spotlights the Knight of New York

Photographer: Lucy London McDonald | Lighting assistants: Taryn Segal and Dove Lovegrow | Talent: Saman and Raven

gallant knight samandotcom armor knight nyc new york editorial

Make it stand out

New York’s very own Armor Girl, Saman Bakayoko, stars in this chainmail infused editorial featuring our very own Joan of Arc traipsing through New York, sword unsheathed. From hot dog stands to hailing cabs, what can’t our heroine accomplish in a full set of clink-clink gear?

In a charming turn of events, she “happens” upon the Medieval and Arms & Armor exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and feels almost serendipitous. On her creative practice of posing in armour, Saman says: "To me wearing armor symbolizes power and protection. Armor typically isn’t seen on black people let alone black women who are the least protected and least in power. The stories told of people in Armor in museums are not black or women or queer so it is interesting that I get to create that story"

gallant knight samandotcom armor knight nyc new york editorial
gallant knight samandotcom armor knight nyc new york editorial
gallant knight samandotcom armor knight nyc new york editorial
gallant knight samandotcom armor knight nyc new york editorial
gallant knight samandotcom armor knight nyc new york editorial
gallant knight samandotcom armor knight nyc new york editorial
gallant knight samandotcom armor knight nyc new york editorial
gallant knight samandotcom armor knight nyc new york editorial

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