Witch Week with Princess Julia
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Enlightenment, spirituality, answers to questions and a glimpse into the future whilst acknowledging the past... Us humans are fascinated with the meaning of life, tapping into a higher power and making sense of this mortal coil. An existence that surely must have some purpose whilst we dwell on this planet.
The idea that a series of symbols may hold the secrets of our lives spans back to ancient times and in fact when I did a bit of online research I discovered that the concept of tarot cards seems to have emerged with the superpowers of the Egyptian civilisation. They actually had a grip on things and probably know more than we know now when you think about it.
But anyway the idea of tarot as we know it, basically a deck of cards with artwork spread like wild fire across Europe in the late 14th century. You knew that anyway didn't you... So really it was in the mid 1400's (15th century) in Italy the tarot got an artistic makeover, hence the arrival of the trionfi, tarocchi or tarock which soon became a thing.
Now then I always think of the tarot as a bit of a parlour game and indeed life for the tarot did start out that way until somebody started a rumour that the cards derived from the Book of Thoth, yes straight back to Egypt where we start getting all mystical and then guess what? A bit later even that old wizard Aleister Crowley pipes up and starts some gossip that the tarot are based on evidence from the Holy Qabalah.
Well whatever the rumours are the tarot are firmly instated in our society as a conduit into a mystical world. Witches with a special gift of divination have the knack, laying out those cards and deciphering deep and meaningful explanations. Now I'm not denying that is possible but I am also am a bit of sceptic. I'm a great believer in the power of the human mind, ooooh we are complicated creatures aren't we. We live in a seemingly surreal time, but then looking back over human endeavour it seems all the times in our history have been quite surreal. Well let's get back to these tarot cards and I'm tapping into those eternal questions... What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? And will I ever be in love? Oh gawd! The reader of the tarot holds the divine knowledge whilst the punter craving answers is ready to believe because basically it's all gone tits up and possibly a revelation may be will be a turn of a card away. Weirdly it sometimes is, honestly I've been surprised myself! But is the old tarot a parlour game of pictures and words? Or is there something in it? Storytelling magic that brings a sense of comfort to the listener, a forewarning of terrible things to come, a dip into the past that may explain the present and future? Like most things I tend to be free thinking and step outside of societies conforming and brainwashing rule book, look at as many points of view as possible and ultimately be prepared to be educated.
I love reading the tarot and vice versa - getting mine read, don't get me wrong it's so entertaining plus I love a gossip. Actually if you're a bit nosey tarot card reading could be the career for you, because you've really got to have an inquisitive and somewhat curious mind. Also you've got to remember all the meanings of the cards, how to lay them out and apply meanings insightfully to the person sitting opposite you, this is no mean feat and probably why I will always be a bit of a third rate reader of tarot as I always have to pour over the accompanying pamphlet.
What do you think about spiritual manifestation? You know focusing on something you want to happen and low and behold it does. There's something to be said for putting your energies into a dream, taking action to make it happen. It's a well known fact that no one really leads a charmed life as such.
Things don't just happen although sub consciously we believe they might do. Do you imagine we have more control over our destiny than we like to think we have. Think of the butterfly effect. Think about how all things connect... In our bodies, in nature, on our planet, in space. Humans are intoxicated with ideas of mystery, the unexplained, aliens, the paranormal, craving a meaning to everything when in fact why does there have to be a meaning to anything? A life changing experience may give a moment of clarity but searching for time honoured meanings to the human condition well it's up to the individual to decide for themselves.
The cards in a sense are a form of spiritual manifestation, a series of symbols that both the reader and subject may gain some insight into various human situations in a quest to find some explanation.
I'm a great believer in forms of energy and the way we as humans engage with the life force we are made up of and surrounded by. Surely a vehicle such as the tarot card deck engages with that energy. As much as natures elements... the sun, the moon wind and rain breath life into this planet and into us as self aware thinking animals made up of dna, protons and cells the tarot manifests the energy of our own imaginations in order to answer our own questions. And what an imagination that is.
Words: Princess Julia | Images: Charlotte Amy Landrum