The Sleepover Club: The Fall of the Wife Guys

Whether its the Try Guys cheating scandal, Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wildes latest drama, John Mulaney's infidelity or any number of other male celebs who have been caught behaving badly; we're living through the fall of the wife guy.

This week, Ione and Eden are discussing the rise and fall of the softest boys of them all. Once a beacon of non-toxic masculinity, with us all being backwardly charmed by a mans ability to love his wife; we're now slowly realising that it was probably an a desperate bid to garner likability all along.


The Sleepover Club: The Return of Skinniness & Why Body Types are Still Treated as Trends


The Sleepover Club: Society of the Spectacle and How Filming Strangers For Content Became Common Practise