DIY Spell Crafting with Ayesha Tan Jones

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hey siblings, witches and folks who may or may not have awakened their innate magical powers!

I’mm ayesha tan jones, artist, musician (YaYa Bones) and witch. 

i wanna give you a lil Samhain (halloween) gift which is a quick n easy skeleton (lol) guide to crafting your own spells!

when i first got into magic, i mostly used intuition to guide my spell crafting. personally i find it more powerful than following pre-written spells that can be found online or in books, however these are still wonderful tools to work from. 

Spell crafting to me is about combining our personal powers of intention, with the abundant power of the natural world, to create a strong energy portal in which your intentions can be manifested. 

Understanding simple things such as elements, colours and basic herbs could really aid your spell crafting, so i will share some with you here.


There’s only one rule in the witching world - if it harm none, do as thou wilt  

basically meaning, if your spell doesn't hurt any body else or alter anybody's life against their will, then you are free to magic away! This does mean that non consensual love spells are a no no ! N e v e r  cast a love spell on someone without them consenting, it will most definitely come back to bite u in the ass and you may end up in a very painful unrequited love obsession 

(i know this from experience) instead, self love spells are incredibly powerful and create a beautiful aura of love around you helping you attract the right loving people into your life <3 ! ! ! 

1) Choose the Intention for your Spell

Is this a self love spell? Manifesting abundance? Does your spell involve achieving success in money, work or school? 

2) Gather Tools: Herbs, Candles, Items, Metaphors

Like humans, herbs have their own astrological alignments. I love using herbs in magic as it helps me feel connected to the world around me, especially when foraging for them myself. When choosing herbs, look up what planet rules the herb. Each planet has a different energy and can be weaved into magic for different things. Pay attention to what day of the week you are planning to cast your spell, each day is also ruled by a planet. 

Sun - friendships, divine power, brightness into your life. Sunday

Moon - clairvoyance, dream connection, water magic. Monday

Mars - conflict, courage, strength. Tuesday

Mercury- communication. Wednesday

Jupiter - wealth and luck. Thursday

Venus - Self love, art , music. Friday

Saturn - Death and rebirth. Saturday 


Whether the moon is waxing or waning also affects your spell. Waxing means it is getting bigger, therefore abundance rituals are better, and waning meaning the moon is getting smaller is great for releasing rituals

Candles are a way to connect with the element of fire, and can bring awareness and sacred light to your ritual space. Choose your candle by colour:

Yellow - joy, abundance

Orange - creativity, confidence

Red - groundedness, sexual positivity, passion

Pink - self love and care

Purple - intuition, dream world

Blue - calm, peace, tranquility

Green - earth, luck, money magic

Black - protection magic


Are there any items that are sentimental to you that you could incorporate in this spell? i love to think about metaphors in magic and what things represent not only on the collective but on a personal level. My grandma's ring rests on my alter and i use this in rituals to connect back to my ancestors. In spring i add fresh spring blooms, and now in autumn i love collecting gorgeous fallen leaves to my alter to honour the changing seasons and going within. 

3) Choose your Ritual Space, Set Up your Altar, Cleanse It 

use some locally grown rosemary or bay leaves to smoke cleanse your ritual space

4) Write and/or Speak Aloud your Intentions as a Poem, Song or Incantation

Turning your intentions into a poem or a rhyme helps it fit into the rhythms of the universe. but do what ever feels right to you!

5) Charge the Intentions

Write them down, burn them, feed the ashes to your fav houseplant, give them to the earth, make a paper boat and float it down the river, make origami, or just keep them under your pillow at night. What ever feels right to you. 

6) Close the Space and Get to Work

Traditionally, witches end their rituals with the incantation ' so mote it be!'... recently released scans of legendary sci fi writer Octavia E Butler's journals show manifestation spells in which she ends with ' So be it, See to it!" I get shivers thinking of this power! Magic only works if you also put the effort in to make the change! you cant just sit back and expect the universe to do the work for you!


Stay in touch with ayesha via Instagram and keep an eye out for their Solo Show opening in November which will include much magic, moss and mushrooms! see more of their work at and sign up to their monthly newsletter of herbal magic.

YaYa Bones's EP EARTHHEART will be released early December.


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